OneQuantData is a continuously updated repository of historical reference and pricing data designed specifically for the global equities market. OneQuantData datasets cover decades of history for exchange-traded equity products, featuring daily prices, security information, corporate actions, and cross-reference information. |
Customers can choose between a product covering North American equity
products or one encompassing global markets
OneQuantData is fully integrated into the OneTick
tick data management solution. This allows OneQuantData users to leverage
OneTick’s analytical tools.
Multiple data feeds are combined, cleansed and
normalised beforehand to produce OneQuantData data sets.
OneQuantData is delivered as a series of
ready-to-use OneTick Databases, accessible by FTP.
As OneQuantData is an extension of OneTick, clients
have access to OneTick’s experienced support and professional services
Future plans
OneQuantData is focused on evolving based on client feedback, and the firm expects to expand its existing universe and offer a greater breadth of data to clients in the future.