Regulatory burden labelled top issue faced within European listed derivatives markets
New report from Acuiti also notes the risk associated with new regulations as being a key concern on the horizon for market participants within the asset class.
New report from Acuiti also notes the risk associated with new regulations as being a key concern on the horizon for market participants within the asset class.
New analytics make up the second phase of a three-part roll-out by Liquidnet. The first phase included a set of pre-trade analytics covering volume and liquidity information.
The adoption of Bloomberg’s MARS Hedge Accounting offering, alongside MARS Front Office and MARS Counterparty Risk, will provide the firm with a complete set of risk management capabilities.
Named VIXTLT Index, the new offering will enable market participants to track future expected volatility in the US Treasury market.
Development will make Marex the first non-bank FCM clearing member to offer client clearing services for interest rate swaps on LCH’s SwapClear service.
Development builds on Interactive Brokers’ existing European equity derivatives offering through Eurex and Euronext, providing an added route to manage European investments.
New collaboration will target growing investor demand for exchange-traded derivatives to manage crypto exposure in a US-regulated trading environment.
Named Roll Seeker, the new offering will facilitate the bilateral negotiation of blocks at mid prices in fixed income and equity index calendar rolls.
New development will allow Interactive Brokers to provide its clients with access to CEDX’s suite of pan-European equity derivatives in the current quarter.
US corporate bonds began trading on 20 May, with the remaining products expected to be live by the end of next month.